Monday, June 1, 2009

What's new?

So I put my memory stick in the computer thinking there were more pictures that I could blog about but apparently I was wrong. So no pictures this time. Nolan graduated from pre-school and they had a huge graduation at the Quakes Stadium but Nolan didn't want to go. We went to his baseball game instead. Good for us I guess, I was told it was pretty long. There were over 300 kids that will be entering Kindergarten next year. Now with no school Nolan will be needing some activities. So I am working on having play dates scheduled at least a couple times a week. That kid has so much energy! Juliana is doing well in school. She reached MVP status on her AR tests or whatever the last level is. She is reading so well, we are so proud of her. This week Juliana has lots of fun activities scheduled at school like a buddy picnic, a luau, and a play day. She will also be performing in a dance recital. Dean is completely potty trained! What a big boy. He is such a good natured little boy full of life and smiles. We are so blessed with our three beautiful children! Should we have another???

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bug's Land

We went to see the 3D Bug's Land movie. We thought we looked pretty silly with our 3D glasses on. Juliana got scared when the bugs were trying to exterminate the audience. Nolan thought it was funny.
Having fun on the rides at CA Adventure!

Hot day!

It was about 100 degrees and Heidi and I decided to take the kids to California Adventure to play in the water area of Bug's land. The kids had so much fun. After they got all wet we got to go on a lot of rides. We even went on Tower of Terror. I was terrified!! I thought the kids were going to start crying but instead at the end of the ride Nolan yells "that was awesome"! He is such a funny kid. We had a great time.


Nolan's birthday party

Can you say "we like to party"? Well we partied all month long. Nolan had a few friends over for a spider-man baseball themed party. They had fun playing musical chairs, pin the baseball cap on Nolan, and finding baseballs. Nolan is thankful to have such good friends. He was sad that his best bud and cousin couldn't make it but happy for those who came. Again I couldn't have done it without the help of my mom and dad. They are the best!

Easter Day

On Easter we went to Steve's parents house. His mom always makes a really delicious Easter dinner.

All of his brothers and sisters were there. Lily was the star of the night. She is so cute. The kids love their newest little cousin.

Easter Egg Hunt

The day before Easter Grammy and Papi came over with Abuelos and we had an Easter Egg hunt. The kids thought it really fun to find candy filled eggs! Dean loves Abuelo and had fun showing him each egg he found.